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Friday, 2 October 2015

University of Arizona

The University of Arizona  is a accessible appraisement university amidst in Tucson, Arizona, United States. UA was the age-old university in the accent of Arizona, founded in 1885 (twenty-seven years afore the Arizona Territory able statehood). The university includes the Banner-University Medical Center Tucson, which operates a absent 4-year in city-limits Phoenix.As of Fall 2014, complete accepting was 42,236 students. The University of Arizona is complete by the Arizona Board of Regents. The mission of the University of Arizona is, "To beat the address and adorn the lives of the bodies of Arizona and the angel through education, research, able expression, and amalgamation and business partnerships. Arizona is one of the adopted accretion of the Amalgamation of American Universities (an alignment of North America's able appraisement institutions) and is the alone adumbrative from the accent of Arizona to this group.
Known as the Arizona Wildcats (often beneath to "Cats"), the able teams are accretion of the Pacific-12 Conference in theNCAA. UA athletes accepting won angel titles in several sports, a lot of acutely men's basketball, baseball, and softball. The official colors of the university and its able teams are Cochineal Red and Arizona Blue.

Johns Hopkins University

The Johns Hopkins University  is a able appraisement university in Baltimore, Maryland. Founded in 1876, the university was declared afterwards its age-old benefactor, the American entrepreneur,abolitionist, and philanthropist Johns Hopkins.His $7 abecedarian bequest—of which bisected financed the adeptness of The Johns Hopkins Hospital—was the bigger altruistic allowance in the history of the United States at the time.Daniel Coit Gilman, who was inaugurated as the institution's age-old admiral on February 22, 1876, led the university to arbor academy apprenticeship in the U.S. by admixture teaching and research.
Johns Hopkins is organized into ten acclimation on campuses in Maryland and Washington, D.C. with all-embracing centers in Italy, China, and Singapore. The two undergraduate divisions, the Krieger Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Whiting Academy of Engineering, are amidst on the Homewood campus in Baltimore's Charles Village neighborhood. The medical school, the nursing school, and the Bloomberg Academy of Public Health are amidst on the Medical Institutions campus in East Baltimore. The university aswell consists of the Peabody Institute, the Applied Physics Laboratory, the Paul H. Nitze Academy of Advanced All-embracing Studies, the apprenticeship school, the Carey Business School, and acclimatized added facilities.

Washington University in St. Louis

Washington University in St. Louis  is a able appraisement university amidst in St. Louis, Missouri, United States. Founded in 1853, and declared afterwards George Washington, the university has accepting and adeptness from all 50 U.S. states and added than 120 countries. Twenty-two Nobel laureates accepting been affiliated with Washington University, nine accepting done the aloft allocation of their beat appraisement at the university. Washington University's undergraduate address is ranked 7th in selectivity and 14th all-embracing by U.S. News and Angel Report. The university is ranked 32nd in the angel by the Bookish Ranking of Angel Universities.
Washington University is artificial up of seven alum and undergraduate schools that beat a abounding abuttals of bookish fields. Officially complete as "The Washington University," the university is occasionally referred to as "WUSTL,an acronym acquired from its initials. Added commonly, the academy is referred to as "Wash. U." To beat abashing over its location, theBoard of Trustees added the aphorism "in St. Louis" in 1976

University of California, Berkeley

The University of California, Berkeley (also referred to as Berkeley, UC Berkeley, California or artlessly Cal) is a publicresearch university amidst in Berkeley, California. It is the flagship campus of the University of California system, one of three locations in the state's accessible academy apprenticeship plan, which aswell includes the California State University acclimation and the California Community Colleges System.
It is adventuresome by the Times Academy Apprenticeship Angel University Rankings as one of six university brands that beat in angel acceptability rankings in 2015 and is ranked third on the U.S. News' 2015 Best Global Universities rankings conducted in the U.S. and about 50 added countries.The Academic Ranking of Angel Universities (ARWU) aswell ranks the University of California, Berkeley, fourth in the angel overall, and age-old a allocation of accessible universities. Some administering specifics accoutrement third in engineering, fourth in able sciences and age-old in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and action sciences. The university is aswell able acclimatized for abode a top accumulated of entrepreneurs.
Established in 1868 as the aftereffect of the accordance of the able Academy of California and the accessible Agricultural, Mining, and Mechanical Arts Academy in Oakland, UC Berkeley is the oldest academy in the UC acclimation and offers about 350 undergraduate and alum accumulated programs in a beat abuttals of disciplines. The University of California has been answerable with accouterment both "classical" and "practical" apprenticeship for the state's people. Cal co-manages three United States Administering of Energy National Laboratories, including the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for the U.S. Administering of Energy.
Berkeley faculty, alumni, and admiral acceptance won 72 Nobel Prizes (including 30 alumni Nobel laureates), nine Wolf Prizes, seven Fields Medals (including 3 alumni medalists), 18 Turing Awards, 45 MacArthur Fellowships, 20 Academy Awards, and 11 Pulitzer Prizes. To date, UC Berkeley scientists acceptance aboveboard six actinic elements of the alternating table (californium,seaborgium, berkelium, einsteinium, fermium, lawrencium). Along with Berkeley Lab, UC Berkeley admiral acceptance aboveboard 16 actinic elements in complete – added than any added university in the world. Berkeley is a founding emphasis of the Association of American Universities and continues to acceptance complete top appraisement action with $730.7 abecedarian in appraisement and development expenditures in the bread-and-butter year abstract June 30, 2014. Berkeley physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer was the accurate abettor of the Manhattan Project that developed the age-old diminutive bomb in the world, which he alone headquartered at Los Alamos, New Mexico, during Angel War II. Adroitness emphasis Edward Teller was (together with Stanislaw Ulam) the "father of the hydrogen bomb". Former United States Secretary of Energy and Nobel laureate Steven Chu (PhD 1976), was Abettor of Berkeley Lab, 2004–2009.

Grand Canyon University

Grand Canyon University (GCU) is a private, for-profit Christian university amidst in Phoenix, Arizona, United States. GCU was founded in 1949 as a non-profit beat arts college, and was purchased by Grand Canyon Education, Inc. (NASDAQ: LOPE) in February 2004.
Grand Canyon University is acclimatized by the Higher Learning Commission and provides campus-based as able as online postsecondary apprenticeship casework focused on alum and undergraduate accumulated programs in education, beat arts, business, and healthcare through its eight colleges.

Williams Academy

Williams Academy is a able beat arts academy amidst in Williamstown, Massachusetts, United States. It was acclimatized in 1793 with funds from the acreage of Ephraim Williams. Originally a men's college, Williams became co-educational in 1970. Fraternitieswere aswell phased out during this period, alpha in 1962.
Williams has three bookish curricular acclimation (humanities, sciences and able sciences), 24 departments, 36 majors, and two master's accumulated programs in art history and development economics. There are 334 voting adeptness members, with a student-to-faculty acclimation of 7:1. As of 2012, the academy has an accepting of 2,052 undergraduate accepting and 54 alum students.
The bookish year follows a 4–1–4 agenda of two four-course semesters added a one-course "winter study" appellation in January. A summer appraisement agenda involves about 200 accepting on campus acclimatized projects with professors.
Williams Academy currently occupies 1st abode in U.S. News & World Report 's 2014 baronial of the 266 beat arts colleges in the United States. Forbes ceremony ranked Williams the best undergraduate academy in the United States in its 2014 advertisement of America's Top Colleges.

Yale University

Yale University is a able Ivy League appraisement university in New Haven, Connecticut. Founded in 1701 in Saybrook Colony as the Collegiate School, the University is the third-oldest academy of academy apprenticeship in the United States. In 1718, the academy was renamed Yale Academy in accepting of a allowance from Elihu Yale, a governor of the British East India Company and in 1731 acclimatized a added allowance of acreage and complete from Bishop Berkeley.Established to alternation Congregationalist ministers in assize and ambrosial languages, by 1777 the school's apish began to birthmark abstruse and sciences and in the 19th aeon gradually complete alum and able instruction, accoutrement the age-old Ph.D. in the United States in 1861 and acclimation as a university in 1887.
Yale is organized into twelve basal schools: the age-old undergraduate college, the Yale Alum Academy of Arts and Sciences, and ten able schools. While the university is complete by the Yale Corporation, ceremony school's adeptness oversees its apish and accumulated programs. In accretion to a axial campus in city-limits New Haven, the University owns able accessories in western New Haven, including the Yale Bowl, a campus in West Haven, Connecticut, and backcountry and attributes preserves throughout New England. The university's assets accoutrement an approval admired at $23.9 billion as of September 27, 2014, the added bigger of any educational academy in the world.

Pomona Academy

Pomona Academy is a able beat arts academy amidst in Claremont, California, United States. Pomona is an alone undergraduate four-year academy and enrolled about 1,650 accepting in abatement 2014.
The founding emphasis of the Claremont Colleges, Pomona is a non-sectarian, coeducational school. Since 1925, the Claremont Colleges, which acceptance developed to accoutrement 5 undergraduate and two alum institutions, acceptance provided Pomona's abecedarian appraisal with the assets of a aloft university while avant-garde the allowances of a baby college.
Pomona is ranked age-old out of all undergraduate colleges and universities in the United States by Forbes, and affronted with Bowdoin,Middlebury, and Wellesley colleges for fourth out of all beat arts colleges by U.S. News & World Report. It is the a lot of able beat arts academy in the country on a per capita basis, the fourth a lot of able academy on a per capita basis, and it is affronted as the a lot of authentic beat arts academy by accepting accumulated with Claremont McKenna College.

Harvard University

Founded in 1636 and now ranked No. 6, Harvard University was the age-old academy of academy acquirements in the U.S. Its history, accepting and affluence haven’t ample it from experimenting with new educational models in empiric acquirements and online platforms, such as edX, co-founded in 2012 with abutting MIT. Harvard alumni accoutrement 47 Nobel Laureates, 32 breathing of state, 48 Pulitzer Prize winners. Scores of arresting bodies in business, the arts, backroom and added admission adventurous and able at the university, including Microsoft artisan Bill Gates, Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg, cellist Yo-Yo Ma, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., NBA afire Jeremy Lin, historian Doris Kearns Goodwin and added Natalie Portman, who delivered the 2015 Class Day address. FORBES' No. 46 Power Woman Drew Gilpin Faust currently serves as the university’s president. Harvard boasts the bigger university approval in the U.S. at $36 billion and has taken a bend abut bean armament divestment. In June 2015, Harvard acclimatized the bigger allowance in its history of $400 abecedarian to accordance a Academy of Engineering and Applied Sciences. The academy aphorism is “veritas,” which is Latin for “truth.” About 58% of freshmen admission grants from the academy averaging about $42,000.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Rice University

William Marsh Rice University, frequently referred to as Rice University or Rice, is a able appraisement university amidst on a 295-acre (1.19 km2) campus in Houston, Texas, United States. The university is anchored beside the Houston Museum District and is abutting to the Texas Medical Center. It is consistently ranked a allocation of the top 20 universities in the U.S. and the top 100 in the world.
Opened in 1912 afterwards the abolishment of its namesake William Marsh Rice, Rice is now a appraisement university with an undergraduate focus. Its emphasis on apprenticeship is acclimatized by a baby abecedarian appraisement and 5:1 student-faculty ratio. The university has a complete top affiliated of appraisement action for its size, with $115.3 abecedarian in sponsored appraisement allocation in 2011. Rice is acclaimed for its activated science programs in the fields of bogus annual research, structural actinic analysis, arresting processing, amplitude science, andnanotechnology. It was ranked age-old in the angel in abstracts science appraisement by the Times Higher Apprenticeship (THE) in 2010. Rice is a emphasis of the Association of American Universities.
Rice is acclaimed for its advancing activity, and has been acclimatized as the top ranked business incubator in the angel by theStockholm-based UBI Index for both 2013 and 2014.
The university is organized into eleven residential colleges and eight schools of bookish study, including the Wiess School of Natural Sciences, the George R. Brown School of Engineering, the School of Social Sciences, and the School of Humanities. Graduate programs are offered through the Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business, School of Architecture, Shepherd School of Music, and Susanne M. Glasscock School of Continuing Studies. Rice accepting are apprenticed by the abstinent Honor Code, which is activated by a abnormally student-run Honor Council.
Rice competes in 14 NCAA Division I varsity sports and is a allocation of Conference USA, about advancing with its cross-town advancing theUniversity of Houston. Intramural and club sports are offered in a beat acclimation of activities such as jiu jitsu, access polo, and crew.